We are thrilled to introduce our latest offering — a tailored IT Audit service designed exclusively for schools. The audit will provide a generic health check covering IT Infrastructure, Security, Software and Applications, User Access and Permissions, IT Support, Data Privacy, and IT Budgets and Planning.
Our IT Audit was developed by an IT advisor to the Department for Education, this has helped us create an audit that is in line with the DfE’s standards and vision. The thoughtfully devised questions mean our audits are equally well suited to School Business Managers, Headteachers and ICT Managers, regardless of their technical knowledge.
Our IT Audit will empower School Business Leaders to make the best choices and deliver the following benefits:
- A deeper understanding of your IT estate
- Benchmark against the latest DfE standards
- Actions that need to be taken
- Improved IT management and strategy
- Save you time
- Provide peace of mind
Our Managing Director Phillip Allum had the following to say:
“ICT has become integral to the modern educational landscape, transforming traditional teaching methods and enhancing the learning experience for students. Over the coming years AI and cloud technologies are likely to drive rapid advancements in the ICT landscape, the likes of which we have never seen before.
The introduction of new technologies in schools will bring benefits for both staff and pupils, however building a strategy and managing change will create challenges. New threats relating to cyber security and the safeguarding of children will also emerge.
Through our partnerships with over 1,000 schools, we have empowered school business leaders to make the best choices across their telecoms and broadband estates. With the growing importance of ICT in schools, the next logical step for us to take was to support schools in managing and making informed choices regarding their ICT.
My team and I are very excited to start this new leg of our journey and can’t wait to empower more schools in making the best choices across their IT estates.”
If you are interested in arranging an IT Audit for your school please contact us on 01937 420052 or email us at info@tgesolutions.co.uk