With Year End done and Easter round the corner, take a little break and have a go at our short quiz! No need to feel guilty either – this is work related mindfulness that will also provide a chance to win a prize for both yourself and your school!
Simply answer the short quiz and you’ll learn a little about how the services of TGE Solutions could benefit you and your school and how we have helped hundreds of schools and Multi-Academy Trusts save money and time.
All you need to do, is click on the link to our website, surf away and find out the answers to the questions below…… couldn’t be simpler.
Click here to visit TGE Solutions – Specialist Telecoms and Broadband Advisors to Schools
- Approximately how many school customers does TGE Solutions have?
- What % of schools we work with do we save money?
- TGE Solutions has helped schools make a huge combined saving – approximately how much?
- How often do we recommend that Phone Systems should be replaced?
- Our Fan Club page, lists over 100 customer testimonials – what is the name of the last school to be listed?
Now, email your answers to enter our free Prize draw and you could win a bottle of Champagne for yourself (or share it if you like) and a £200 voucher for your school to redeem against any of our fantastic services!
Good Luck! Happy Easter!
N.B. All entries received will be entered and the independent draw will take place on Monday 2nd May 2022.
Terms and Conditions apply.