…we’re about to!
It’s not always a well thought of thing to do, but sometimes, you need to give yourself a pat on the back and shout about it! Reassure yourself that you are doing a good job and take the credit with open arms when you blow that trumpet loud and clear!!
So go on! Give it a go!
So what are we blowing our trumpet about!? Well, we have got a NEW website – you’re in it now! We’ve worked hard to produce and develop it and we’ve got lots of people to thank for making it happen.
Firstly, the biggest thank you must go to our customers! Customer referrals have always worked well in developing the business and helping more schools save money. So, we knew we wanted to feature lots of customer testimonials within the website – but we wanted something visual and believable too.. So, what better way than to visit some of our customers at their schools and film them singing our praises – all in their own words with nothing scripted!
They all did an amazing job, and we can’t thank you enough for your time, patience and coping with the stress levels that being put under the spotlight does!
So, visit our Fan club and check out our customers and your colleagues and watch how amazing they were on the big screen (depending on how big your screen is).
Of course, Phil and the team didn’t escape the spotlight either. Particularly Phil! Quoted as saying “I could never be an actor” as the ‘takes’, re-takes’ and ‘re-re-takes’ took their toll!
A big thank you to Enigma Creative, the web designers and builders, for designing, advising and working with us create a website that looks good and has great functionality too.
Reel Film, take the credit for the video footage. A great team to work with who definitely know their stuff.
So, there we go – Trumpet blown loud and clear! We look forward to blowing it more over the year as we identify lots more savings for schools, whilst improving their technologies and communications provisions.